Tee Times

TeeTime availability

List Tee Times

GET /api/v2/teetimes/{facilityId}
  • Path Parameters

    • facilityId: e.g. 1 (Integer, required) - ID of the facility
  • Query Parameters

    • bookingDate: e.g. 30-12-2017 (string, required) - Date
    • players: e.g. 2 (Integer, required) - Number of free slots required (between 1 and 4)
    • holes: e.g. 9 (Integer, required) - Number of holes (9 or 18).

This can be done with a curl command like so :

$curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type:application/json'  --user [[username]]:[[password]] '[[base-url]]/api/v2/teetimes/2/?bookingDate=20-08-2018&players=4&holes=18'
  • Successful Response (application/json)
        "success": true,
            "data": [
                    "id": 4222936,
                    "time": "2018-08-20T06:00:00",
                    "round": "198",
                    "holes": 9,
                    "players": 4,
                    "pricing": [
                            "players": "1",
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 10,
                                "currency": "GBP"
                            "players": "2",
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 20,
                                "currency": "GBP"
                            "players": "3",
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 30,
                                "currency": "GBP"
                            "players": "4",
                            "price": {
                                "amount": 40,
                                "currency": "GBP"