
To fetch Pricing for a Facility Within a Specified Date Range

Pricing Inside Date Range

GET /api/v5/price/insideDateRange
  • Query Parameters
    • facilityIds: e.g. 142,78,96 (String, Required) - Comma Separated List of Facility Ids.

      • Note: A maximum of five facility Ids can be provided in a single request.
    • fromDate: e.g. 28-06-2024 (String, Required) - Inclusive Start Date

    • toDate: e.g. 07-07-2024 (String, Required) - Inclusive End Date
    • offset: e.g. 40 (Integer, Optional) - Skips number of entries from start
    • limit: e.g. 20 (Integer, Optional) - Limits number of entries

This can be done with a curl command like so :

$curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --user [[username]]:[[password]] ' [[base-url]]/api/v5/price/insideDateRange?facilityIds=142,78,96&fromDate=28-06-2024&toDate=07-07-2024&offset=40&limit=5'
  • Successful Response (application/json)
        "success": true,
        "data": {
            "records": [
                    "facilityId": 142,
                    "facilityName": "Demo Facility",
                    "courseId": 379,
                    "courseName": "18 holes",
                    "countryName": "Netherlands",
                    "date": "2024-09-02",
                    "dayOfWeek": "monday",
                    "productId": 265,
                    "productName": "Product Play",
                    "price": 50,
                    "currency": "EUR"
                    "facilityId": 142,
                    "facilityName": "Demo Facility",
                    "courseId": 379,
                    "courseName": "18 holes",
                    "countryName": "Netherlands",
                    "date": "2024-09-03",
                    "dayOfWeek": "tuesday",
                    "productId": 265,
                    "productName": "Product Play",
                    "price": 50,
                    "currency": "EUR"
                    "facilityId": 142,
                    "facilityName": "Demo Facility",
                    "courseId": 379,
                    "courseName": "18 holes",
                    "countryName": "Netherlands",
                    "date": "2024-09-04",
                    "dayOfWeek": "wednesday",
                    "productId": 230,
                    "productName": "Product Play 3",
                    "price": 50,
                    "currency": "EUR"
                    "facilityId": 142,
                    "facilityName": "Demo Facility",
                    "courseId": 379,
                    "courseName": "18 holes",
                    "countryName": "Netherlands",
                    "date": "2024-09-05",
                    "dayOfWeek": "thursday",
                    "productId": 229,
                    "productName": "Product Play 2",
                    "price": 50,
                    "currency": "EUR"
                    "facilityId": 142,
                    "facilityName": "Demo Facility",
                    "courseId": 379,
                    "courseName": "18 holes",
                    "countryName": "Netherlands",
                    "date": "2024-09-06",
                    "dayOfWeek": "friday",
                    "productId": 230,
                    "productName": "Product Play 3",
                    "price": 50,
                    "currency": "EUR"
            "total": 67